sparkly thing

Tuesday 02.28.12

Driving home from work, Kathy suggests getting a Red Box movie because she has a free dvd rental coupon.

Standing at the Red Box machine, all the movies Kathy wants to watch are rejected: Bridesmaids (NO), Dolphin Tale (NO), Friends with Benefits (NO).  What do we end up getting…. HUGO, which, just FYI, was not as good as it was made out to be.

We go home and start preparing dinner.  On the menu, broccoli soup and tuna sandwich!  (When we make soups, you know our milk is about to expire or most likely already has expired.  So if we offer to share some, you may want to take precautions.)

We enjoy our dinner along with a beer.  Then it’s time to put in the movie.  Matt says, “Go feed Gil while I start up the movie.”

I walk over to Gil and start opening his food container.  When I look inside I see something sparkly and I just freeze!  Matt said you should have seen the look on my face, like I was scared!  But the truth is, the first thought that came to my mind was…. “oh no! how did my sister’s ring get in here?  She’s going to be SOOO mad at me!”  So I hand the sparkly thing over to Matt…

He is holding the ring with both hands and starts to make his proposal speech, which was well thought out and very cute!  Except, I cannot reiterate everything as I was laughing a lot.  mm: “why are you laughing?!  I’m being serious!”  ko: “hahahahahaha.”

Answer of course, was yes then sealed with a hug and kiss!  It’s finally official! After two failed attempts at an engagement/anniversary hike, turtle food engagement is a success!

What a nice night… until we are watching the movie and Matt brings me some water.  He tries to feed me water while I’m laying down.  He keeps pouring and pouring and then I start choking!  Water comes out of my mouth like an erupting volcano!!!  My chest is sore, my eyes are watery, and my fiance of just an hour has already tried to kill me!

Thankfully we survived the near-death experience and are looking forward to seeing you all at the wedding! (As long as we don’t try to feed each other water in the meantime!)