Kat & Mat

Lifetime Journey Growing Old Together


September 2012

Kathy Hulk!

Angry. Frustrated. Annoyed. Irritated. And all the other countless adjectives that are similar to this!  That is me today! I want to hulk smash someone!!! Wedding wedding wedding oh wedding!  Stop being so difficult and just fall in to place.  … Continue Reading →

To New York, Or Not To New York

That is the question! New York, New York the city so nice they named it twice!  I have never been to the East Coast before, but the perfect opportunity has presented itself to me and it is hard to turn… Continue Reading →

Wedding Nightmares!

8 months to go and I’m already getting the ibby jibby wedding nightmares! I dreamed that I was shoe shopping and I ended up buying black, knee high boots!  BLACK BOOTS!!!????  I mean, I know I have no fashion sense… Continue Reading →

Taste Test!

One of the biggest things I am looking forward to when planning our wedding is the taste tests for food and cake!!!  I’m such a die-hard foodie! Finally, the day has come to taste test our food lineup! I can… Continue Reading →

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