Kat & Mat

Lifetime Journey Growing Old Together


March 2013

The Road to 1,001 Cranes!

Maybe you remember my very first crane post, “1 down 999 more to go!”.  At that time, I was very gung-ho and excited to start folding all these cranes.  I set a deadline of finishing by December, which would be… Continue Reading →

Exactly 31 Days & Counting!

Ready. Set. Go! Only one month left and it’s time to let the countdown begin!  Ahhhhh the stress coupled with anticipation and excitement is almost unbearable.  It’s nice to see all our hard work over the past year coming together… Continue Reading →

Meet Merryl

To get a day of coordinator or not to get a day of coordinator… That was the looming question for so long, but I finally gave in and got one!  Everyone that I tell – caterer, photographer, friends – say… Continue Reading →

Never Ending Friendship

This past week was a whirlwind of non-stop late night outs!  For this grandma who always sleeps by 10pm, it was quite a task, but finally Friday has arrived and I think it’s safe to say, I survived the week. … Continue Reading →

The Dreams Continue…

And the dreams, or shall I say wedding nightmares, continue… Last night I dreamt it was the big day and I just got to the hotel to get ready.  When I opened the door to my room, I was surprised… Continue Reading →

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